Decorate: Aubusson Inspired Floral Rugs

July 25, 2013 Comments Off on Decorate: Aubusson Inspired Floral Rugs

I’m not sure when I really started to care deeply about the aesthetic in my home.  I’ve been, for the most part, restrained by cost, piecing together things that are on sale and kind of work. I’ve tried to curate a look centered around pieces that have character or a story  and  staple pieces I can afford. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it just bugs me until I can get it right.  Even with resources, I’m sure it would still take me years to find fulfillment in my home decor.

That said, I have been eyeing some type of floral rug to add to my home for some time. I wasn’t initially a fan of floral rugs, they can be busy , hard to match, and just look downright tacky. What really turned it around for me was the “Aubusson” style of rugs , which have originated from  Aubusson, France since the 15th century. They commonly have a floral pattern, are flat woven and are quite grand in both size and pattern- a reflection of historically being commission by aristocracy. They have a wonderful french aesthetic, with floral patterns that fill but don’t overwhelm the space and a color pallet that always seems to get it right.

Antique Aubusson Floral Rugs

These antique rugs are quite pleasant, but they will most likely set you back a pretty penny .

If you can’t shell out the beaucoup bucks that it will take to buy an original rug, you may want to consider these more affordable options.  I know I am, Especially with dogs being so tough on carpets!

Cool Plant: Caracalla Bean

July 24, 2013 § 3 Comments

The Caracalla Bean, also known as snail flower, is one of the most interesting beans I think I have ever encountered. It has ordinary foliage but a beautiful snail like flower, that is quite fragrant, and is a surprising late bloomer. I discovered it last year while visiting Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. While I had fully intended to plant it in my own garden this year, I never quite got around to it, but these photos are certainly making me regret that!




Tips for Keeping the Deer Away

July 24, 2013 § 2 Comments

Earlier this week I lamented  over  the gourmand deer who think lilies are planted just for their enjoyment. So I thought I would share some tips for deer abatement.

Deer Hoof Print

The two best ways to keep deer away are:

  • A tall fence– White Tail Deer can jump up to eight feet high, and you want the tall of enough so the deer don’t attempt to jump the fence and get caught in it. However, that said, I  have found the a six foot stops them pretty well, and deer can’t jump both tall and wide so slanting a fence outward can also help deter deer.
  • Plant things that the deer don’t want to eat– The most difficult time I had this year deterring the deer was when a mulberry tree was fruiting and drawing them to the yard, once the tree stopped fruiting the deer presence significantly lowered. In this vein, human hair can work similarly.

deer foot print

Other ways to deter deer:

  • Dog’s (Pee)- Canines are natural predators, and the scent of dogs and their urine will act as a deterrent. However it washes away with the rain, and if you keep your dogs in a fenced area, the deer will know. I let mine out to run around outside of the fence to do their business.
  • Purified Smells– The smell of rot,  rotten eggs in particular, can deter as well.
  • Mint- I have used a diluted castille soap to some success and have heard of others using barred Irish spring around their beds.

The caveat to these, save for the tall fence, is that if the deer are truly hungry, they are going to eat. A little depressing I know, but many plant will flush back out.

Blooming Now: Daylilies

July 22, 2013 Comments Off on Blooming Now: Daylilies

Daylilies might as well be called “deer food”, last year I got one bloom before the deer came along and had quite a pleasant snack.  As a  result, I transplanted them in the fall, moving them to a more remote area of the yard, in an attempt to keep from luring the deer there.  I was pleasantly surprised that the transplant went well with the deer have stayed away from the (for this year), and there are blooms a plenty!




DIY: Mailbox Planter

July 21, 2013 § 1 Comment

One of the first things I didThis re purposed mailbox is no more difficult than planting any other planter, you fill with dirt, make sure there is appropriate drainage and away you go! I wanted something that would fall out of the box and had some left over Creeping Jenny that I needed to put to good use. The one downfall is that the mailbox doesn’t collect rain and can get quite hot, so be sure to water appropriately.




Blooming Now: English Lavender, Lavandula Angustifolia, ‘Munstead’

July 20, 2013 Comments Off on Blooming Now: English Lavender, Lavandula Angustifolia, ‘Munstead’

Today we bring to a close my week long overture to Lavender. This week has  brought me one step closer to planting  rows of lavender in my vacant backyard, and the bees would be so happy!


I bought this English Lavender, in a bit of haste,when I thought one of my beds was a little sparse(it wasn’t), and was surprised to find little blooms popping up this week. Unlike the other two Lavender varieties I have shared this week, Munstead is compact, only growing about 1-2 ft in height and width. It has bright blooms(blooming June-August)  that attract nectar loving insects and short leaf  foliage that is highly aromatic.

munstead lavender

Lavandula Angustifolia

English Lavender

Know Thy Plant: Fern-Leaf Lavender

July 16, 2013 Comments Off on Know Thy Plant: Fern-Leaf Lavender

Fun Lavender fact:  The name Lavender is derived from the latin lavo or lavandus meaning to wash, since the herb was so commonly used during bathing.

Today, in this third ode to lavender, we highlight the fern leaf lavender. I am unsure of the variety it could be  ‘multifida’  or ‘minutolli’.  Multifida has more of a lavender scent, while minutolli has flashy blooms and a pungent smell. Think this is a sign I need to keep track of my tags? I fortunately have learned my lesson on this one!

fern leaf lavender

This interesting Lavender, like most other varieties, prefers well drained soil and once established, needs only occasional watering.  I will admit that I may have put mine in a not well drained raised bed and over watered this spring , resulting in yellowing leaves. However it has flushed out a bit with the dryer summer months.


This variety is VERY fragrant. The ‘multifida’ has been traditionally cultivated for oils, for its strong lavender scent.  The variety I have is reminiscent of citronella, and I crush it between my hands and rub on my legs to keep mosquitoes away, to varying degrees of effectiveness. This could mean it is ‘minutolli’, the mystery continues.

multifida lavender

The biggest surprise of this cultivar, is that is has been long blooming for me. I completely expected to get one good bloom out of it, but with deadheading it has had consistent blooms since I planted it in May (greenhouse forced I’m sure). The blooms are long, and often form a  beautifully shaped trident.


Regardless of variety the growing conditions are very similar:

Zones: 8-11(some places as high as 14) I’ve noticed mine can really take the heat well, however I’ll have to see how it winters over in zone 7. This may have to be an annual for me.

Soil: Well drained

Water: Drought tolerant once established.

Size: Up to 2 ft tall(40 inches with blooms) and around 3-4 ft wide.

Deer Resistance: Yes

Blooming Now: French Lavender

July 15, 2013 Comments Off on Blooming Now: French Lavender

I believe this variety is ‘grosso’ or ‘hidcote’ but I can’t quite remember…

Did you know that lavender has been used  for over 2500 years for fragrance and medicinal purposes?

Lavender in Art

July 14, 2013 § 1 Comment

This week will be the  ode to lavender…

I know I throw around the word obsessed a lot when talking about plants, but when it comes to lavender this  is not an overstatement.  I have three types of lavender, just in my front yard. Heck,  I would go all out lavender field in my back yard if I had the resources. I use home made lavender room spray and lavender body lotions, it quite honestly, is the only scent I don’t tire of eventually.

So, we begin this week by looking at lavender broadly, as a color in art.



Cool Product: Nourishmat

July 10, 2013 § 1 Comment

I believe that gardening is for the people, and the more accessible the better. That’s why I love ideas like nourishmat which creates an easy way for urbanites and first time gardeners to get started growing their own food. The kit includes built in irrigation, pre-cut labeled mat, and 82 pre-planted seed balls. Plus the mat acts as a weed barrier!   I don’t have much use for them because I have gone full on raised beds, but will definitely keep this on my gift list.


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